I saw the moose again and this time, Jack was with me. He was on the next ridge over (from where I saw him two days ago) and as we skied by, he saw us, but was so uninterested he bedded down. The photos of the moose are with the Pentax Optio. I can ski with it and not worry about hurting the camera, but it isn't much for zoom or focus.
As we skied on, it is funny. The moose tracks were all over the snow covered road. They reminded me of a drunken sailor. I am sure it was easy traveling and he was looking for browse, but he zigged and zagged!
On the way down, we saw a young mule deer doe and her fawn. It was the "furriest" fawn I have ever seen. I hope you can see the curley fur in it's ears. I took the deer photos with my Canon EOS 40D.
Click on the photo to see a larger view. They will open in a new window.
Great blog. I love the photos and all are a great read. I will link you to my photo site.
My sister asked a friend of hers (that works for Fish, Wildlife and Parks), "What are you more afraid of, a bear or a moose?" He said,"Definitely a moose!" Well, I guess I had better be carefull.
Very beautifull photos. I am going to follow your blog, it is amazing. I really love nature and I'll miss it a lot when I go to study a degree.
Thank you for this wonderful work.
Greetings fronm Spain. Fernando.
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