Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Osprey with a fish near Bear Creek

Osprey with a fish
I am working on a slideshow of this Osprey. It flew over my chicken coop and landed in a snag next to it. At first I thought it was a hawk after my chickens. Then I saw the fish. I was able to photograph it out of my upstairs window. Pretty cool!

Some facts:

  • One of the largest birds of prey in North America, it is one of the most widespread birds in the world, found on all continents except Antarctica.
  • The Osprey eat mostly fish. Barbed pads on the soles of its feet help it grip slippery fish. It dives feet first into the water and when an Osprey takes a large fish to its nest, it carries the fish headfirst to make it as aerodynamic as possible.
  • Osprey mate for life.

To see the slideshow (all photos) in a new window click Merle's SmugMug Osprey near Bear Creek Album.

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