Monday, March 30, 2009

Feathered Visitors

Nuthatch making a nest in a river birch
Spring is nesting time for many of us including this Red-breasted Nuthatch that is creating a home in a river birch on our property. I thought the sound I was hearing was a woodpecker. No, it was this nuthatch making a nest hole.

It is time to raise a few more laying hens. I just bought some chicks. Laying hens are only productive for a few years, but because I let mine free range during the day, I also loose some to predators. The most prevalent here is the Northern Goshawk. The Goshawk in this photo is in the Aspen grove next to my chicken coop/run. He is waiting for dinner.

Goshawk in Aspen grove

One last note: This morning we woke up to snow again. Here is the view out the bedroom window. It was so beautiful I had to take a picture! But, I hope warmer weather comes soon.

Morning light after a spring snow

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