Merle Ann Loman lives in the Bitterroot Valley located south of Missoula in western Montana. This blog starts here, but will also travel the world. She loves being outdoors hiking, biking, fishes, hunting, skiing and always taking photos. As much time as she spend outdoors, one needs to eat. You will see entries about foods that travel well, making it much more fun to spend long periods of time exploring our flora and fauna.
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Bitterroot elk in December

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Exhibit Oct 1 - Nov 17, Photography through a naturalist's lens

4:30pm until 7:00pm
Montana Natural History Center, 120 Hickory St., Missoula, Montana, 59801
Note: Merle is installing art the last week of September. The show actually runs Oct 1 through mid Nov. The lobby/gallery is open Tues - Fri 12:00 - 5:00 pm, Sat 12:00 - 4:00 pm. Hope to see you all there! There will be a few "special opening dates," Oct 3 and Oct 10. More info to follow.
The Montana Natural History Center is pleased to announce the Gallery Opening for “Photography through a naturalist's lens," an exhibit by Merle Ann Loman, A Montana View.
See the photos online at Merle Ann Loman, A Montana View photography at Fine Art America.
Science, documentation and art can describe photography and the study of natural history. Merle Ann Loman is passionate about them both. So “naturally,” photography is how she captures visual art, the art of the moment, and acutely records her experiences with nature.
As a naturalist photographer, she strives to create photographs that are sharply focused, detailed, simple in composition, and that instill a connection between humans and nature. Her creations record ordinary everyday subjects with a sense of artistry. Her most basic goal is to capture nature through photography without altering it, and to provide documentation that promotes the appreciation, study and understanding of natural history through all seasons and over longer / extended periods of time.
Displaying over 50 photos in various sizes, the show features three western Montana areas through seasons: 1) National Bison Range near Moise, 2) Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge near Stevensville, 3) the Bitterroot in general including the photos from the river, valley and mountains. Information sheets will accompany each collection with species, date taken, and location noted.

Thursday, September 13, 2012
"Chokecherries for dinner" by amontanaview | Redbubble
"Chokecherries for dinner" by amontanaview | Redbubble: 
American Robin – Turdus migratorius. Robins were feeding on our Chokecherries (Chokecherry – Prunus virginiana, in the rose family) in early September. Taken west of Victor, Montana USA. The Grosbeaks began feeding on this bush and even though the robins are a smaller bird, they took over this bush. It was fun to watch the frenzy as the hopped, flapped, chased and then gobbled the berries, large seeds and all. My first time catching a robin catching a berry.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/160s, f/4.0, ISO: 320, 500 mm, manual setting, tripod
Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
The largest thrush in North America. The male has deep grayish to dark-brown upperparts with blackish head, white crescents above and below eye, rich reddish underparts with white throat streaked with black and white undertail-coverts. The bill is yellow. The female is similar but paler overall. Juveniles have a spotted breast. This species is common year-round over all of Montana.

American Robin – Turdus migratorius. Robins were feeding on our Chokecherries (Chokecherry – Prunus virginiana, in the rose family) in early September. Taken west of Victor, Montana USA. The Grosbeaks began feeding on this bush and even though the robins are a smaller bird, they took over this bush. It was fun to watch the frenzy as the hopped, flapped, chased and then gobbled the berries, large seeds and all. My first time catching a robin catching a berry.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/160s, f/4.0, ISO: 320, 500 mm, manual setting, tripod
Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
The largest thrush in North America. The male has deep grayish to dark-brown upperparts with blackish head, white crescents above and below eye, rich reddish underparts with white throat streaked with black and white undertail-coverts. The bill is yellow. The female is similar but paler overall. Juveniles have a spotted breast. This species is common year-round over all of Montana.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
"Fox kits, exercise in dominance" by amontanaview | Redbubble
"Fox kits, exercise in dominance" by amontanaview | Redbubble:

Taken west of Missoula, Montana, USA near the Clark Fork River in early June.
The Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes is a year round resident of Montana. This was a very successful litter, possibly two litters. The kits, I counted about 16 in the area, were different sizes, but seemed playful and healthy. I saw two adults bring in gophers and squirrels while I was there.
See more of my Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes photos at this link
These are the first fox photos I have captured. Very fun!
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM with tripod
1/640s, f/4.0, ISO: 500, 500mm
See other photos of this fox litter
and this one

Taken west of Missoula, Montana, USA near the Clark Fork River in early June.
The Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes is a year round resident of Montana. This was a very successful litter, possibly two litters. The kits, I counted about 16 in the area, were different sizes, but seemed playful and healthy. I saw two adults bring in gophers and squirrels while I was there.
See more of my Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes photos at this link
These are the first fox photos I have captured. Very fun!
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM with tripod
1/640s, f/4.0, ISO: 500, 500mm
See other photos of this fox litter

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
"Cassin's Finch - Haemorhous cassinii" by amontanaview | Redbubble
"Cassin's Finch - Haemorhous cassinii" by amontanaview | Redbubble: 
Taken August 27, 2012 west of Victor, Montana USA near Bear Creek in the Bitterroot Valley. Male Cassin’s Finch on an Aspen tree branch.
They are a Species of Concern in Montana though no significant threats have been identified. Given their occurrence in burned and harvested forests, the population declines that have been identified recently are difficult to explain.
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM, used a tripod
1/200s, f/7.1, ISO:640, 500mm, manual setting

Taken August 27, 2012 west of Victor, Montana USA near Bear Creek in the Bitterroot Valley. Male Cassin’s Finch on an Aspen tree branch.
They are a Species of Concern in Montana though no significant threats have been identified. Given their occurrence in burned and harvested forests, the population declines that have been identified recently are difficult to explain.
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM, used a tripod
1/200s, f/7.1, ISO:640, 500mm, manual setting
Sunday, July 22, 2012
"Pileated Woodpecker family" by amontanaview | Redbubble
"Pileated Woodpecker family" by amontanaview | Redbubble: 

This photo shows an immature woodpecker on the left and a mature male on the right. Taken near Bear Creek west of Victor, Montana USA.
Canon EOS 7D – Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens on a tripod.
Manual setting, 1/1600s, f/4.0, ISO: 250, 500 mm, slightly cropped.
There were six birds in the group but this only shows two. The Pileated Woodpecker – Dryocopus pileatus is a species of concern in Montana partly because of loss of habitat (large enough tracts of mature forests with snags for nesting). This species is one of the largest and most memorable forest birds in North America. It’s nearly the size of a crow, black with bold white stripes down the neck and a flaming-red crest. Look (and listen) for Pileated Woodpeckers hammering at dead trees and fallen logs in search of insects like carpenter ants. They excavate unique rectangular holes in the wood. The nest holes of these birds also provide crucial shelter to many species including swifts, owls, ducks, bats, and pine martens.
See another RedBubble image of these two feeding
See more photos on Merle’s SmugMug site
Canon EOS 7D – Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens on a tripod.
Manual setting, 1/1600s, f/4.0, ISO: 250, 500 mm, slightly cropped.
There were six birds in the group but this only shows two. The Pileated Woodpecker – Dryocopus pileatus is a species of concern in Montana partly because of loss of habitat (large enough tracts of mature forests with snags for nesting). This species is one of the largest and most memorable forest birds in North America. It’s nearly the size of a crow, black with bold white stripes down the neck and a flaming-red crest. Look (and listen) for Pileated Woodpeckers hammering at dead trees and fallen logs in search of insects like carpenter ants. They excavate unique rectangular holes in the wood. The nest holes of these birds also provide crucial shelter to many species including swifts, owls, ducks, bats, and pine martens.

See more photos on Merle’s SmugMug site
Monday, June 25, 2012
"Fox kit in the grass" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Fox kit in the grass" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Taken west of Missoula, Montana, USA near the Clark Fork River in early June.
The Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes is a year round resident of Montana. This was a very successful litter, possibly two litters. The kits, I counted about 16 in the area, were different sizes, but seemed playful and healthy. I saw two adults bring in gophers and squirrels while I was there.
See more of my Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes photos at this link
These are the first fox photos I have captured. Very fun!
See another photo of this fox litter
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM with tripod
1/640s, f/4.0, ISO: 400, 500mm
The Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes is a year round resident of Montana. This was a very successful litter, possibly two litters. The kits, I counted about 16 in the area, were different sizes, but seemed playful and healthy. I saw two adults bring in gophers and squirrels while I was there.
See more of my Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes photos at this link
These are the first fox photos I have captured. Very fun!
See another photo of this fox litter

Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM with tripod
1/640s, f/4.0, ISO: 400, 500mm
Saturday, June 23, 2012
"Short-eared Owl profile" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Short-eared Owl profile" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus. A bird of open grasslands, the Short-eared Owl is one of the most widely distributed owls in the world. But populations fluctuate greatly along with prey population cycles. It is listed as Potential Species of Concern in Montana.
This species hunts day and night; mainly at dawn and dusk in winter. It flies low over open ground, locating prey by ear and kills prey with a bite to the back of the skull; often swallowing prey whole. Nests are a scrape in ground lined with grasses.
Taken in a wetlands management area (protected) of the Mission Valley in western Montana, USA.
Click here to see another SEO image on my RedBubble

Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
1/3200s, f/4.0, ISO: 200, 500mm, lens hand held (would have used a tripod but didn’t have time to set it up)
See more photos at Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus on my SmugMug site
This was my first Short-eared Owl photo op. I was thrilled that it gave me this opportunity.

Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus. A bird of open grasslands, the Short-eared Owl is one of the most widely distributed owls in the world. But populations fluctuate greatly along with prey population cycles. It is listed as Potential Species of Concern in Montana.
This species hunts day and night; mainly at dawn and dusk in winter. It flies low over open ground, locating prey by ear and kills prey with a bite to the back of the skull; often swallowing prey whole. Nests are a scrape in ground lined with grasses.
Taken in a wetlands management area (protected) of the Mission Valley in western Montana, USA.
Click here to see another SEO image on my RedBubble

Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
1/3200s, f/4.0, ISO: 200, 500mm, lens hand held (would have used a tripod but didn’t have time to set it up)
See more photos at Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus on my SmugMug site
This was my first Short-eared Owl photo op. I was thrilled that it gave me this opportunity.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Vesper, our Maine Coon kitten, is trying to nap on the covered second story deck. He is on a stamped, aged sheet of metal I placed over the bird seed bin to help keep the squirrels out. Right in front of him and far out of his reach are a couple of very high hanging bird feeders that of course he loves to keep tabs on. Behind him is a Boston fern that he sometimes hides in. Sweet spot for a kitten on a breezy summer day. Taken near Bear Creek west of Victor, Montana USA Canon EOS 7D, 1/100s, f/2.8, ISO:320, 70mm SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens Handheld, Aperture Priority"Hanging out on the deck" by amontanaview | RedBubble
Thursday, June 14, 2012
"Fox kits at play" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Fox kits at play" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Taken west of Missoula, Montana, USA near the Clark Fork River in early June.
The Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes is a year round resident of Montana. This was a very successful litter, possibly two litters. The kits, I counted about 16 in the area, were different sizes, but seemed playful and healthy. I saw two adults bring in gophers and squirrels while I was there.
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM with tripod
1/6400s, f/4.0, ISO: 6400, 500mm

Taken west of Missoula, Montana, USA near the Clark Fork River in early June.
The Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes is a year round resident of Montana. This was a very successful litter, possibly two litters. The kits, I counted about 16 in the area, were different sizes, but seemed playful and healthy. I saw two adults bring in gophers and squirrels while I was there.
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM with tripod
1/6400s, f/4.0, ISO: 6400, 500mm
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
"Short-eared Owl " by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Short-eared Owl " by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus. Taken in a wetlands management area (protected) of the Mission Valley in western Montana, USA. This owl is a year round resident of Montana and prefers to live and hunt in open grasslands, even agricultural areas like this. It is one of the most widely distributed owls in the world. A medium sized owl averaging 15 inches in length, it is the most diurnal of owls often hunting during the day. I think it was posing for me; the eyes mesmerized me and my camera.
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
1/640s, f/8.0, ISO: 250, 500mm, lens hand held (would have used a tripod but didn’t have time to set it up)

Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus. Taken in a wetlands management area (protected) of the Mission Valley in western Montana, USA. This owl is a year round resident of Montana and prefers to live and hunt in open grasslands, even agricultural areas like this. It is one of the most widely distributed owls in the world. A medium sized owl averaging 15 inches in length, it is the most diurnal of owls often hunting during the day. I think it was posing for me; the eyes mesmerized me and my camera.
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
1/640s, f/8.0, ISO: 250, 500mm, lens hand held (would have used a tripod but didn’t have time to set it up)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
"Yellow-headed Blackbird" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Yellow-headed Blackbird" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Taken May 9 at Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge north of Stevensville, Montana, USA.

Taken May 9 at Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge north of Stevensville, Montana, USA.
Monday, May 7, 2012
"Big wood in the Bitterroot River" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Big wood in the Bitterroot River" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Taken north of Victor, Montana USA in April. One of the features of this beautiful freestone river is the “big wood” that supplies features and cover for wild trout. This is a downed cottonwood tree. We were enjoying another relaxing day on the river and fly fishing.

Taken north of Victor, Montana USA in April. One of the features of this beautiful freestone river is the “big wood” that supplies features and cover for wild trout. This is a downed cottonwood tree. We were enjoying another relaxing day on the river and fly fishing.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
"Fairyslipper - Calypso bulbosa" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Fairyslipper - Calypso bulbosa" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Beautiful and delicate flower that loves deep shade and cool, moist conditions. This is such a precious flower of the mountain west. The photo was taken just south of Sweathouse Creek in the Bitterroot Mountains of western Montana, USA. As you can see, the sun was peeking through the thick canopy of the forest.

Beautiful and delicate flower that loves deep shade and cool, moist conditions. This is such a precious flower of the mountain west. The photo was taken just south of Sweathouse Creek in the Bitterroot Mountains of western Montana, USA. As you can see, the sun was peeking through the thick canopy of the forest.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
"Glacier Lily - Erythronium grandiflorum" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Glacier Lily - Erythronium grandiflorum" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Taken near Sweathouse Creek in the Bitterroot Mountains of western Montana, USA. Spring flowers are prolific this year. Other names for this flower include dog tooth violet, avalanche lily, fawn lily, and snow lily.
Canon EOS 7D – SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens
1/640/s, f/7.1, ISO: 200, 56 mm

Taken near Sweathouse Creek in the Bitterroot Mountains of western Montana, USA. Spring flowers are prolific this year. Other names for this flower include dog tooth violet, avalanche lily, fawn lily, and snow lily.
Canon EOS 7D – SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens
1/640/s, f/7.1, ISO: 200, 56 mm
Monday, April 30, 2012
"Blue Clematis bud" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Blue Clematis bud" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Taken near Bear Creek in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana USA.
Clematis is a member of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). This species is a woody vine that blooms early in the spring. It is one of my favorite spring flowers. It grows in moist, shady areas that seem enchanted to me.

Taken near Bear Creek in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana USA.
Clematis is a member of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). This species is a woody vine that blooms early in the spring. It is one of my favorite spring flowers. It grows in moist, shady areas that seem enchanted to me.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
"Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Photo was taken in July near Gash Creek in the Bitterroot Mountains, Montana USA.
Canon EOS 40D 1/400s, f/6.3, ISO:400
Every year I see these butterflies at this elevation on this native plant .The plant is Spreading Dogbane.

Photo was taken in July near Gash Creek in the Bitterroot Mountains, Montana USA.
Canon EOS 40D 1/400s, f/6.3, ISO:400
Every year I see these butterflies at this elevation on this native plant .The plant is Spreading Dogbane.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
"Young bull elk" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Young bull elk" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Young bull elk. Taken south of Sweathouse Creek west of Victor, Montana USA in early April. He was with a small group of cow elk just hanging out. I wonder what he is thinking or looking at…
He is part of a large herd (about 100 elk) that roam this area. Sometimes they are all together, this time of year, they break into smaller groups. Soon the cows will be finding a quiet place to calve, then they will get together in larger “nursery” groups again.
Canon EOS 7D 1/1250s, f/4.0, ISO: 250, 500 mm
Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens

Young bull elk. Taken south of Sweathouse Creek west of Victor, Montana USA in early April. He was with a small group of cow elk just hanging out. I wonder what he is thinking or looking at…
He is part of a large herd (about 100 elk) that roam this area. Sometimes they are all together, this time of year, they break into smaller groups. Soon the cows will be finding a quiet place to calve, then they will get together in larger “nursery” groups again.
Canon EOS 7D 1/1250s, f/4.0, ISO: 250, 500 mm
Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
Monday, April 16, 2012
"Birds of a feather eat together" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Birds of a feather eat together" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Cinnamon Teal – Anas cyanoptera is a small dabbling duck, male and female are shown here. This photo was taken north Stevensville, Montana USA at the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge in early April. This duck is a summer/breeding resident of Montana preferring wetlands and ponds to the moving water of rivers.

Cinnamon Teal – Anas cyanoptera is a small dabbling duck, male and female are shown here. This photo was taken north Stevensville, Montana USA at the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge in early April. This duck is a summer/breeding resident of Montana preferring wetlands and ponds to the moving water of rivers.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
"South Fork Westslope Cutthroat Trout" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"South Fork Westslope Cutthroat Trout" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
The photo was taken in the world-class westslope cutthroat trout fishery in the South Fork of the Flathead River, Montana, USA. The Westslope cutthroat trout is one of two subspecies of native cutthroat found in the state. According to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, the population of westslope cutthroat trout in the South Fork is the strongest and most vibrant in Montana, and perhaps in the entire West. Protecting their habitat is important for their survival. This photo was taken in the Bob Marshall Wilderness.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/100s, f/5.6, ISO:400
SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens

The photo was taken in the world-class westslope cutthroat trout fishery in the South Fork of the Flathead River, Montana, USA. The Westslope cutthroat trout is one of two subspecies of native cutthroat found in the state. According to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, the population of westslope cutthroat trout in the South Fork is the strongest and most vibrant in Montana, and perhaps in the entire West. Protecting their habitat is important for their survival. This photo was taken in the Bob Marshall Wilderness.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/100s, f/5.6, ISO:400
SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens
Saturday, April 7, 2012
"Great Blue "awk!" Heron" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Great Blue "awk!" Heron" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Taken north of Stevensville, Montana USA at Lee Metcalf NWR. Great Blue Heron on a log. It was alone and calling out…as you can see. Look close and the tongue is out. Hilarious. The log is sitting in water of a slow moving stream on the refuge. It is spring, early April, and I suspect it is looking for a mate (and food).
Canon EOS 7D, zachlazzari@gmail.com
1/500s, f/4.5, ISO 200 500mm. Camera was held over my arm – no time to set up the tripod.

Taken north of Stevensville, Montana USA at Lee Metcalf NWR. Great Blue Heron on a log. It was alone and calling out…as you can see. Look close and the tongue is out. Hilarious. The log is sitting in water of a slow moving stream on the refuge. It is spring, early April, and I suspect it is looking for a mate (and food).
Canon EOS 7D, zachlazzari@gmail.com
1/500s, f/4.5, ISO 200 500mm. Camera was held over my arm – no time to set up the tripod.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Red-breasted nuthatch making a cavity in Cottonwood snag
Red-breasted nuthatch building a nesting cavity in a Cottonwood snag. West of Victor, MT near Bear Creek - 2012.03.27 this is the sixth day I have been watching this process. In the 2 minute video you get an idea how long it takes to excavate a cavity. They actually excavate up to 4 holes and choose one to raise their brood in. In the audio, you will hear a little bit of wind.
Monday, March 26, 2012
One of my favorite Bitterroot River slideshows
Jack, John Hickman, Freda and I fished the lower Bitterroot on Sunday. Quiet, beautiful day and the fishing was great, too.
Friday, March 23, 2012
"Blooming beauty - Clivia" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Blooming beauty - Clivia" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Beautiful flower, taken near Victor, Montana USA.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/20s, f/7.1, ISO:400, 156 mm, manual, cropped
SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens

Beautiful flower, taken near Victor, Montana USA.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/20s, f/7.1, ISO:400, 156 mm, manual, cropped
SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
"Clivia" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Clivia" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
In the Amaryllis family, native of southern Africa. Common names include Kaffir lily. It is very easy to grow. Mine flowers in late winter. When the flowers are done, beautiful red seed pods develop where the flowers were.

In the Amaryllis family, native of southern Africa. Common names include Kaffir lily. It is very easy to grow. Mine flowers in late winter. When the flowers are done, beautiful red seed pods develop where the flowers were.
Friday, March 16, 2012
"Sweet little pony" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Sweet little pony" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
This is a pony at our local organic dairy farm in Victor, Montana USA. He is getting up there in age, but tell him that. He is sweet as can be and loves to visit.
Canon EOS 7D, SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens
1/320s, f/13, ISO:800 45 mm, ISO:800

This is a pony at our local organic dairy farm in Victor, Montana USA. He is getting up there in age, but tell him that. He is sweet as can be and loves to visit.
Canon EOS 7D, SIGMA 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Aspherical DF Macro SLD Autofocus Lens
1/320s, f/13, ISO:800 45 mm, ISO:800
Thursday, March 15, 2012
"Looking over her shoulder, cow elk in the spring" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Looking over her shoulder, cow elk in the spring" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Taken in the early evening west of Victor, Montana USA near Sweathouse Creek in mid-March. This was a small group of elk, about 12 of them at the base of the Bitterroot Mountains. There were a few White-tailed deer mixed in with these elk cows, calves and a few spikes (young bull elk). The mature cows will be dropping their young in a few months. They are looking for nutritious feed and lots of it.
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM,
1/400s, f/5.6, ISO: 320, 300mm, manual setting

Taken in the early evening west of Victor, Montana USA near Sweathouse Creek in mid-March. This was a small group of elk, about 12 of them at the base of the Bitterroot Mountains. There were a few White-tailed deer mixed in with these elk cows, calves and a few spikes (young bull elk). The mature cows will be dropping their young in a few months. They are looking for nutritious feed and lots of it.
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM,
1/400s, f/5.6, ISO: 320, 300mm, manual setting
Friday, March 2, 2012
Steller's Jay - Cover photo for Montana Naturalist Winter 2011-2012
Cover photo for Montana Naturalist Winter 2011-2012
From my Steller's Jay series. Sequential photo is available on RedBubble.
"Steller's Jay in winter" by amontanaview | RedBubble:
From my Steller's Jay series. Sequential photo is available on RedBubble.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
"Heads up everyone" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Heads up everyone" by amontanaview | RedBubble:


A group of elk in January. Taken west of Victor, Montana USA at the base of the Bitterroot Mountains near Sweathouse Creek. There were a total of about thirty head in this group of cows, calves and a few spike bulls. Just a few miles south was another group, similar size and make up. In the fall when they gather together and our local herd becomes about 100 plus head. The big bulls are off in the higher country on their own this time of year.
See more photos in my SmugMug album Elk cows, calves and a few spike bulls
Canon EOS 7D, 1/500s, f/4.0, ISO: 200, 500mm, Manual setting
Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens, handheld over my arm on tree (I didn't want to spook them by setting up the tripod)
See more photos in my SmugMug album Elk cows, calves and a few spike bulls
Canon EOS 7D, 1/500s, f/4.0, ISO: 200, 500mm, Manual setting
Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens, handheld over my arm on tree (I didn't want to spook them by setting up the tripod)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
"Sweetness in an mule" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Sweetness in an mule" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

This mule lives with a group of farm mules and horses west of Victor, Montana USA in a very large, grassy pasture. They all have such personality. I love visiting them whenever I pass by on this country road.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/500s, f/4.0, ISO:500, 500mm
Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens

This mule lives with a group of farm mules and horses west of Victor, Montana USA in a very large, grassy pasture. They all have such personality. I love visiting them whenever I pass by on this country road.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/500s, f/4.0, ISO:500, 500mm
Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
Friday, January 13, 2012
"Adjusting the perch on a Cottonwood branch" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Adjusting the perch on a Cottonwood branch" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
Bald Eagle in winter. He saw me taking photos and wanted a better look at me. Lucky me, I love it when I can get a little action in a photo.
Taken west of Victor, Montana USA in the Bitterroot Valley.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/4000s, f/4.0, ISO: 320 Manual setting, 500mm, cropped slightly
Lens - Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM

Bald Eagle in winter. He saw me taking photos and wanted a better look at me. Lucky me, I love it when I can get a little action in a photo.
Taken west of Victor, Montana USA in the Bitterroot Valley.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/4000s, f/4.0, ISO: 320 Manual setting, 500mm, cropped slightly
Lens - Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
"Timmy Tigger" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Timmy Tigger" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Timmy was on the deck railing spending time with me. Aspen in the background. He is my buddy.

Timmy was on the deck railing spending time with me. Aspen in the background. He is my buddy.
Monday, January 9, 2012
"Morning light and dew on the willows" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Morning light and dew on the willows" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
This morning on our ten acres west of Victor, Montana USA. Taken near the north fork of Bear Creek in a beautiful, vibrant riparian area. The sun was coming up and streaming through the brush (leafless at this time of year) and refracting through the dew drops. Really interesting lighting.
See a few more photos from this morning at Morning light on dew in riparian woods
Canon EOS 7D, 1/400s, f5.6, ISO: 400, 275mm Manual setting
lens- Cannon EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM

This morning on our ten acres west of Victor, Montana USA. Taken near the north fork of Bear Creek in a beautiful, vibrant riparian area. The sun was coming up and streaming through the brush (leafless at this time of year) and refracting through the dew drops. Really interesting lighting.
See a few more photos from this morning at Morning light on dew in riparian woods
Canon EOS 7D, 1/400s, f5.6, ISO: 400, 275mm Manual setting
lens- Cannon EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM
Friday, January 6, 2012
"Elk in the Bitterroot Valley in January" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Elk in the Bitterroot Valley in January" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Two cows and two calves were moving from a pasture into timber here. This photo has only one of the calves. The day was overcast and snowing lightly in early January 2012. To me, the interesting behavior was how the two cows stayed so close together as they milled around while I snapped the photos. When I left, they continued to calmly move up into the timber.
See more photos at Two elk cows and calves in January

Two cows and two calves were moving from a pasture into timber here. This photo has only one of the calves. The day was overcast and snowing lightly in early January 2012. To me, the interesting behavior was how the two cows stayed so close together as they milled around while I snapped the photos. When I left, they continued to calmly move up into the timber.
See more photos at Two elk cows and calves in January
Thursday, January 5, 2012
"Young bull moose in the woods" by amontanaview | RedBubble
"Young bull moose in the woods" by amontanaview | RedBubble: 
This guy was having breakfast on our land near a natural pond and in a wetlands. I had to take the photo through the aspen and cottonwoods. Here is is looking up just as the sun filtered through. What a cute little (actually big) guy. He has velvet on his antlers. If you look closely, you can see flies zooming around his antlers and face.
Photo taken in mid-July west of Victor, Montana, USA.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/320s, f/8.0, ISO: 3200, 500mm

This guy was having breakfast on our land near a natural pond and in a wetlands. I had to take the photo through the aspen and cottonwoods. Here is is looking up just as the sun filtered through. What a cute little (actually big) guy. He has velvet on his antlers. If you look closely, you can see flies zooming around his antlers and face.
Photo taken in mid-July west of Victor, Montana, USA.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/320s, f/8.0, ISO: 3200, 500mm
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
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