Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Great Blue "awk!" Heron" by amontanaview | RedBubble

"Great Blue "awk!" Heron" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Taken north of Stevensville, Montana USA at Lee Metcalf NWR. Great Blue Heron on a log. It was alone and calling out…as you can see. Look close and the tongue is out. Hilarious. The log is sitting in water of a slow moving stream on the refuge. It is spring, early April, and I suspect it is looking for a mate (and food).

Canon EOS 7D,
1/500s, f/4.5, ISO 200 500mm. Camera was held over my arm – no time to set up the tripod.


Anonymous said...

Great shot! That bird looks wet too. Love the tongue - something you won't see often for sure.
- Sherry (MTWaggin)

Unknown said...

Thanks Sherry! It was a funny bird, made me smile.

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