Monday, June 25, 2012

"Fox kit in the grass" by amontanaview | RedBubble

"Fox kit in the grass" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Taken west of Missoula, Montana, USA near the Clark Fork River in early June.
The Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes is a year round resident of Montana. This was a very successful litter, possibly two litters. The kits, I counted about 16 in the area, were different sizes, but seemed playful and healthy. I saw two adults bring in gophers and squirrels while I was there.
See more of my Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes photos at this link
These are the first fox photos I have captured. Very fun!
See another photo of this fox litter
Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM with tripod
1/640s, f/4.0, ISO: 400, 500mm

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Short-eared Owl profile" by amontanaview | RedBubble

"Short-eared Owl profile" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus. A bird of open grasslands, the Short-eared Owl is one of the most widely distributed owls in the world. But populations fluctuate greatly along with prey population cycles. It is listed as Potential Species of Concern in Montana.

This species hunts day and night; mainly at dawn and dusk in winter. It flies low over open ground, locating prey by ear and kills prey with a bite to the back of the skull; often swallowing prey whole. Nests are a scrape in ground lined with grasses.

Taken in a wetlands management area (protected) of the Mission Valley in western Montana, USA.
Click here to see another SEO image on my RedBubble

Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
1/3200s, f/4.0, ISO: 200, 500mm, lens hand held (would have used a tripod but didn’t have time to set it up)

See more photos at Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus on my SmugMug site
This was my first Short-eared Owl photo op. I was thrilled that it gave me this opportunity.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Fox kits at play" by amontanaview | RedBubble

"Fox kits at play" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Taken west of Missoula, Montana, USA near the Clark Fork River in early June.
The Red Fox – Vulpes vulpes is a year round resident of Montana. This was a very successful litter, possibly two litters. The kits, I counted about 16 in the area, were different sizes, but seemed playful and healthy. I saw two adults bring in gophers and squirrels while I was there.

Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM with tripod
1/6400s, f/4.0, ISO: 6400, 500mm

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Short-eared Owl " by amontanaview | RedBubble

"Short-eared Owl " by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Short-eared Owl – Asio flammeus. Taken in a wetlands management area (protected) of the Mission Valley in western Montana, USA. This owl is a year round resident of Montana and prefers to live and hunt in open grasslands, even agricultural areas like this. It is one of the most widely distributed owls in the world. A medium sized owl averaging 15 inches in length, it is the most diurnal of owls often hunting during the day. I think it was posing for me; the eyes mesmerized me and my camera.

Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM lens
1/640s, f/8.0, ISO: 250, 500mm, lens hand held (would have used a tripod but didn’t have time to set it up)

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