Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Mule deer fawn" by amontanaview | RedBubble

"Mule deer fawn" by amontanaview | RedBubble:

Featured in the "Montana" group of RedBubble.
Taken in the Bitterroot Mountains west of Victor, Montana, USA. I saw this when I was hiking down a ridge. If I had taken three more steps, I could have stepped on it. It was so well camouflaged and still. At first I wasn’t sure it was alive, but an eyelid blinked. The doe must have been further in the woods because I didn’t see her. I quickly moved down the slope but captured a few photos on the way.
Canon EOS 7D, 1/250s, f/6.3, ISO: 200, 75 mm
Here is a photo of a mule deer doe I saw on the way up the ridge. Could be the mother, but I don’t know that for sure.

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