Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sierra Footsteps of the Me-Wuk Tribe - Northern California

A Mewuk cooking basket that has seen much use
On July 9-12 my friend, Nancy, and I participated in a workshop with the Me-Wuk tribe in northern California. On my Picasa photo site are photos of workshop members making baskets, digging sticks, acorn processing, soaproot brush making and more.

On the last morning of the workshop, Gladys McKinney, Jennifer Bates, Kimberly Stevenot, Arvada Fisher, and Kathy Wallace talked with us about customs, materials, tools, designs, processes and much more. There are a lot of photos, but these baskets, etc are the real deal. So, enjoy!

Click here to see Merle's SmugMug photo site for the Me-Wuk Footsteps in the Sierra's

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