To see all the photos in a new window, click Merle's SmugMug Hike up Sweathouse in late July.
Merle Ann Loman lives in the Bitterroot Valley located south of Missoula in western Montana. This blog starts here, but will also travel the world. She loves being outdoors hiking, biking, fishes, hunting, skiing and always taking photos. As much time as she spend outdoors, one needs to eat. You will see entries about foods that travel well, making it much more fun to spend long periods of time exploring our flora and fauna.
See my SmugMug slideshow below for more photos of the North Fork of the Stanislaus River at Dawn.
So many people of all ages seemed to grin, visit, eat, dance and be merry from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. When it was over, the crowd left by bike, foot, and car and with in minutes, the place was quiet and clean. Amazing!
If you want to see for yourself, see the slideshow below. There are lots of photos so you might want to open it in a new window and buzz through it. Or, you can come for yourself next year!
Jack will be doing a benefit float on the Clark Fork River this Tuesday and Thursday for the Clark Fork Coalition 320 Float. They will be doing 320 miles in 20 days! Whew. He has decided to use the Rattlesnake Gardens for his lunches. That will be tasty! Lucky floaters.